Saturday, 21 July 2018

A Baby is a European (an Ewe traditional poem)

A  baby  is  a  European
he  does  not eat  our  food:
He  drinks  from  his  own  water pot.

A  baby  is  a  European
He  does  not  speak  our  tongue:
He  is  cross  when  his  mother understands  him  not.

A  baby  is  a  European
He  cares  little  for others:
he  forces  his  will  on  his  parents.

A  baby  is  a  European
He  is  always  very  sensitive:
The  slightest scratch on  his  skin  results  in  an  ulcer

1 comment:

The Land of Unease by Niyi Osundare

The Land of Unease The land never knows peace Where a few have too much And many none at all. The yam of this world Is enough for all mouths...